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English translation for "blue shield"


Related Translations:
metasternal shield:  胸后板
soil shield:  挡土板
centrifuge shield:  离心管套离心机管套离心套管
blade shielding:  输叶护面
sacred shield:  圣盾
barricade shield:  防护屏蔽屏蔽罩阻碍屏
rf shield:  射频防护屏;射频屏蔽
aerin shield:  艾文之盾
shield ring:  屏蔽环
mirror shield:  镜盾镜之盾
Example Sentences:
1.State senate republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped empire blue cross / blue shield and hold rate hikes the state ' s largest insurer seeks to an average of10 % to15 %
2.State senate republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped empire blue cross / blue shield and hold rate hikes the state ' s largest insurer seeks to an average of10 % to15 %
3.State senate republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped empire blue cross / blue shield and hold rate hikes the state ' s largest insurer seeks to an average of 10 % to 15 %
Similar Words:
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